

16th July - 27th Sept 2009

Jewellery Focus July 2009

July 2009

And if you're near Bradford, West Yorkshire, for a plethora of jewellery that brims with different materials and ideas - including black rubber and pink elephants - visit Kath Libbert's Jewellery Gallery in the picturesque Salts Mill to see her exhibition, Choice, running from 17th July until 27th September.

Janet Fitch
(The Hidden gems of July)

on:lifestyle (issue no:11) August/September 2009

August/September 2009

‘Choice’ at the Kath Libbert Gallery, Salts Mill, Saltaire, showcases eight international jewellery artists, chose work ranges from classically inspired to technically amazing to playful and provocative. Discovering that the artists’ sources of inspiration include stuffed animals, soap bubbles, stones, root ginger and rubbish adds to the show’s intrigue. Visitors to the exhibition are invited to take part in ‘The People’s Choice’ by making their own selection, writing comments about it and having their photograph taken wearing or holding the piece. All the comments and photos will be posted on the Gallery walls up until a special event on the last day of the exhibition, the 27th September, when the‘People’s Choice’ will be announced. Everyone who makes their Choice will be entered for a prize draw to win £100 to use at the gallery.

Arts Council England, Own Art August bulletin 2009

Art Council England
Own Art August bulletin

It's lively, bold and beautiful. It's playful and provocative. It's also very personal. With over 10 years experience of choosing and displaying contemporary jewellery behind her, Kath Libbert's latest exhibition is a personal statement about her current favourites and, having made her Choice, she now invites you to make yours.

'Choice' showcases eight international jewellery artists, whose work ranges from classically inspired to technically amazing to playful and provocative. Discovering that the artists' sources of inspiration include pink elephants, precious jewels, soap bubbles, stones, root ginger and rubbish adds to the show's intrigue.

Visitors to the exhibition are invited to take part in 'The People's Choice' by making their own selection, writing comments about it and having their photograph taken wearing or holding the piece. All the comments and photos will be posted on the Gallery walls up until a special event on the last day of the exhibition, the 27th September, when the 'People's Choice' will be announced. Everyone who makes their Choice will be entered for a prize draw to win £100 to use at the gallery.

There will also be a Collector's Choice Event to accompany this exhibition on September 8th.  Marta Mattsson, a young Swedish jewellery artist, will talk about the choices she has made in terms of the materials she uses, which are rather distinctive, and the choices in her career (Jeweller's Choice); then, Marie Alexander, patron of the Association for Contemporary Jewellery, will speak about building a collection and the pleasures this brings (Collector's Choice).

Please call the gallery on 01274 599790 for details about this event.

Antiques Trade Gazette, Aug 15th 2009

Antiques Trade Gazette
August 15th, 2009

Bling with a difference thanks to recycling
MOST visitors to Kath Libbert's annual selling exhibition at the Jewellery Gallery at Salts Mill, Saltaire, near Bradford, think that this sexy, intensely black necklace is made of jet. However, it is actually fashioned from a bike's inner tube, which Geneva-based jewellery designer Noemie Doge sources from a local bike shop there.

She then folds, cuts and stitches the shapes and sets them into silver structures, like this necklace - recycling in every sense of the word. Called Little Queen, the necklace costs £1029.

Another standout piece at the Choice -A Personal Selection exhibition, which lasts until September 27, takes its inspiration from a well-known spice. Sam Tho Duong is an award-winning jeweller who grew up in Germany and made a brooch from electroforming a piece of root ginger in silver, before oxidising it and studding the inside with coral beads.

Sam's Ginger collection started as an exploration of his family heritage through the use of ginger in Eastern medicine and for its culinary properties. It is on sale for £459
Tel: 01274 599790.

Association for Contemporary Jewellery e-bulletin No 12, September 2009

Association for Contemporary Jewellery e-bulletin No 12, September 2009 Exhibition Review

Kath Libbert’s ‘Choice’ at Saltaire

Kath Libbert’s popular gallery in Salts Mill hosted a special evening event on 8th September, celebrating its current exhibition of new international jewellery. Kath had chosen 8 designers from the 2009 Schmuck exhibition in Munich earlier this year, including the winner of the Herbert Hoffman prize, Sam Tho Duong. This provided an opportunity for us to look at work by artists mostly not before shown in UK. On display was work by Dorothea Brill, Noemi Doge, Stephanie Jendis, Sabine Lang, Marta Mattsson, Erik Urbschat, Sam Tho Duong and Caro Weiss.

The ‘choice’ concept was carried through with The People’s Choice, a chance for visitors to the exhibition to choose their favourite piece from the show and enter a prize draw. Special A5 sheets were prepared with space for a photo-portrait of the visitor and their reasons for the choice. By the date of the evening event (the show began on 16th July) an entire wall was covered with delighted faces of people wearing their chosen pieces, and often pithy comments below.

There’s certainly a loyal fan-base up there, and upwards of 50 people attended on the night, most of them wearing their prized pieces of jewellery, in many cases probably bought from the gallery. One middle-aged gentleman sported one of those 6-inch diameter brooches by Adam Paxon, all brightly patterned seaweedy knobs and sprouts. His wife was wearing a superb necklace by Jenny Dean.

Kath had invited two speakers, to talk about their choices: a jeweller and a collector. Marta Mattsson, one of the exhibitors, is starting her second year at RCA, and Lady Marie Alexander, is, of course, ACJ’s Patron. Marta spoke about choosing to study in a range of schools in different countries, her native Sweden, Japan and the US, and what she had gained from each experience, including some of the projects she had worked on, experimenting with different materials. Next it was Marie Alexander’s turn, speaking about how she chose the pieces in her collection. Her reasons were often emotionally based, in parallel with her circumstances, and combined with a very positive response to the sensual appeal of the pieces, their colours and textures. She spoke eloquently (she is a barrister) and with passion about the place that jewellery holds in her life.

Altogether a successful and enjoyable evening, with eager questions after the talks, and discussion about the work on show.

Image: Marta Mattsson brooch




Alternative Wedding Show 2009 featuring 'The Big Ring Thing’